Monday, March 10, 2008

Minor Nervous Breakdown

This morning I went out to the carriage house to look for some spring decorations. It's messy out there. Not gross messy, but disorganized messy. The wood pile is stacked, but there are shavings everywhere. As I was sifting through one box I found some stuff that had been chewed up. An old piece of V-day candy, some papers, etc. It was the only box like this, but it freaked me out. What the heck is living out there. Mice, rats, even larger rodents???!!!!!!

If you know me at all you are well aware of the fact that I tend to exaggerate. My imagination does have a history of running wild, but I don't know what to think. The worst part is that the King's not here to go out there and investigate. I can guarantee I won't be doing any investigation of my own. If I found something, none of the kids know CPR and I would surely die of heart failure before a squad could get here. I don't like "pests." They make me feel gross and hopeless. Anybody have any ideas? The weird thing is we do have an outdoor cat and there are several alley cats that go in and out of the carriage house to. But I've never heard of a cat chewing up papers and eating a piece of candy. Help me!


Christine said...

Eeek! I'm not afraid of rodents, but I would get so very grossed out if they were mixed in with my stuff somewhere. Any chance you could find a kind neighbor to investigate?

I can't wait to see how your pics turned out. I don't envy you - studio shots are so tricky!!

me said...

*HUGS* BREATH! LOL I can totally relate. I do NOT do pests, spiders or bugs in general. I pay someone to spray my house several times a year to keep my issues at bay...and while I love camping I have "issues" with it. LOL I would either call someone to come spray or set some mouse traps and see if that helps? Can the girls get in there, would Decon be an option? My cat has been known to chew on candy before and I have a dog that eats paper/tissues anytime she's given the opportunity. Good luck!