Saturday, March 01, 2008

It's Never the Same

When Chiggie was around a year old, I took a trip to New Mexico to visit my Dad's side of the family. I hadn't seen some of my cousins for several years and we met each others babies for the first time. One of my cousins was lucky enough to marry into a Baskin Robbins franchise and one night while we were there we had a get together that included a whole lot of ice cream.

Instantly the past came flooding back and we all remembered our favorite flavors from childhood. One flavor that brought back the most memories was bubble gum. We all loved that one. We made sure to try it out for old times sake. Oddly it was awful. No flavor. The gum was freezing (duh) and it just seemed weird. We unanimously decided it wasn't the same for an adult palette. Honestly, as strange as it sounds, that was a sad moment.

Tonight I made it a point to take my girls to Baskin Robbins and order them a bubble gum ice cream cone. They were in heaven. So was I. Childhood is brief so dig in!


me said...

Oh T will INHALE that stuff and I have tried it and I agree, it's just not the same. Ho hum, right? ;) Thanx for sharing your cuties!