Monday, January 21, 2008


None of my girls have ever had difficulty teething. It was like one day I just noticed they had cut their first tooth. Then another and another..... Up until now that is. Boo is having a terrible time. She is completely miserable unless I am holding her and sometimes even that doesn't seem to provide much comfort. I've tried everything from Orajel to frozen teething rings. She likes the Biter Bisquits but after a few minutes of her gnawing on them they make me nervous. I am extremely paranoid about her choking. I guess this is one of those times when you just hope it passes quickly.


me said...

Some people swear by those Hyland's Teething Tabs. I think you can get them at WM!? I always just gave ibuprofen when they had to sleep and tried to suffer thru a clingy babe the rest of the time. At least it was just the last one, right and not all four! :) :) I hope it breaks thru soon. *HUGS*

Christine said...

Ditto on the ibuprofen and teething tablets. We would also fold a washcloth into fourths, get the folded corner wet, and stick it in a baggie in the freezer. A good, chokeless cold thing to chew on. It helped. I hope it passes quickly! Teething stinks!