Monday, January 14, 2008

Lookin' Good

I must extend a big thank you out to Elizabeth for introducing me to this world of new blogger templates. I am "in love" with this one. I plan to leave things like this until at least after Valentine's Day. I think it fits our family as well. Much better than the old, if I do say so myself.


Danielle said...

I like it!

me said...

GO ME, GO ME, GO ME!! LOL Ignore my email with directions, smarty! ;) I'm glad you found something you liked and worked out how to do it on your own! It's awesome and definitely fits your girlie group. :)

Melissa said...

I LOVE it!!! Your girls are too cute for words and the hearts and "love" fits perfectly. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love meeting other mommies of large families, especially ones with all GIRLS! We ROCK!!!