Thursday, January 24, 2008

I'm Just Plain Weird

I was tagged by Elizabeth to tell 5 weird or random things about myself. It's actually hard to limit it to just 5, but here goes:

  1. I am an extremely picky eater. I have never tried salad or salad dressing. I was a very picky eater as a child and just never out grew it. I could eat pizza (pepperoni or cheese) for dinner every night.
  2. I'm obsessed with organizing my kids toys. I make sure all the pieces are with each set and are put together correctly each day.
  3. My second toe is significantly longer than my "big toe." It doesn't bother me at all. In fact I very rarely wear socks. I spend most of the time wearing flip flops or crocs. Even in the snow. I can also walk bare foot across gravel or hot cement without a problem.
  4. I am petrified of most types of travel. I am scared of driving in big cities (or riding for that matter.) Boats and planes freak me out even more, and don't even get me started about trains. I hate how this limits me, but I can't really help it.
  5. I have an incredible sense of smell. I can literally track a scent like a hound dog. Strong smells drive me crazy, good or bad. Interestingly smells are what most of my memories revolve around. Just one wiff of Blueberry Lip Smackers takes me back to my 8th grade field trip to Mese Verde.

There you have it, I'm a freak. I hope you're satisfied.


Danielle said...

I'm totally with you on the blueberry lipsmacker!!!! It reminds me of the entire 8th grade year! What fun we had!

me said...

Wow. You are weird. :) I knew I liked ya for a reason, but I had no idea. YOU'VE NEVER HAD A SALAD? How on earth have you gotten away with that all these years!? My second toe is longer as well, yay for us! :) I can't fathom never traveling tho, so much for you going to Hawaii with Micki and I. ;)

Christine said...

Yup, we'll miss you when we're in Hawaii. That's too bad, LOL! We've all got our quirks though - I'm totally with you on the smells though. I'm the same way, plus the hearing of a bat. But you've definitely got me beat with the pickiness. I don't know how you could avoid salad for that many years! ;)