Wednesday, January 09, 2008

It had to be Done

I never know what Tea is up to. She is the sneakiest of all of the girls. Whether it's unrolling an entire roll of toilet paper and stuffing it into her purse, squeezing out a whole tube of tooth paste, or pouring her own juice, it's always interesting. So I did what any desperate parent would do. I put a bell around her neck. Now when I don't hear jingling, I panic.


Danielle said...

That's too funny! Does she like the bell or does she know what you are up to?

Anonymous said...


LaShawn said...

OMG I am totally stealing this idea. My #3 son is so freaking sneaky and into EVERYTHING that he shouldn't be. By noon everyday I am tired just from cleaning up after him.

Totally getting a bell

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness my granddaughter is so beautiful!!!!!! I can't just can't believe something so sweet could do anything so ornery. (HA HA)She and Jeremiah would be partners in crime!!!

me said...

LMAO...I'm sorry but that's just good funny right there! An entire tube of toothpaste? Really? I am truly spoiled with my kids...or maybe I'm the meanest mom on the planet? No, wait, that's that woman selling the car on msnbc? ;)

Melissa said...

Love the idea. My girls would think that it was a "necklace" and would probably wear it. Too funny. =)