Monday, June 25, 2007

Back to Normal

If you can even call it that I guess. It feels weird for the King to be back at work after a week of just hanging out. Unfortunately all the relaxing we did took its toll and most of today will be spent cleaning and recovering. We didn't win powerball, and I was so sure that it was our time. The good news is no one did and there will be another drawing on Wednesday. Oh yeah, we will be playing.

We had an incredible time at Cutty's. I have pretty high standards for resorts and such and this place exceeded all of my expectations. There were so many things for the kids to do it was unreal. The only regret I have is that we couldn't stay longer. We are considering becoming members (they are open year-round) so that we could go as often as we like.

I really need to take a moment to map out the rest of the summer. We have been pretty organized up to this point, but haven't really planned much further. I definitely want to go camping at least once more. This will probably take place after the baby comes due to time constraints. T-ball goes through July 17th and that is keeping us pretty busy for now.

Speaking of the baby coming, wow. We have quite a bit to do. I have all the baby clothes washed I just need to sort them and hang those that need it. We have to have a new carseat but other than that we are pretty much set as far as the big stuff goes. I feel really good surprisingly (usually at this point I am a wreck.) We'll see how the next few weeks go. Ahhh well I am off to begin the undesirable chores that lie ahead of me. Hope everyone is doing well.


me said...

What's your least favorite chore? I hate unloading the dishwasher and cleaning the fridge. There are a lot of others (haha) but those are the ones I slack on the most. Good luck on WED and on planning the summer!!