Monday, January 18, 2010

Ugh, No!

18 days. We made it 18 days. 18 days into 2010, before our first stomach bug hit. Boo is officially down and out. Luckily we had lasagna for dinner, oy. It doesn't get much worse that that. Poor thing has been sick all evening and night. I feel horrible for her. I'm also worried that it will spread like wild fire. I know it's never wise to borrow trouble, but I do worry. What if Chiggie gets sick and can't make the science fair? For now I just need to take care of Boo and hope for the best. For the first time in weeks I'm just so glad the baby is safe and sound inside so I'm not freaking out that he might get sick. Pray this is a 24 hour thing!


me said...

*dutifully praying*
Here's hoping Boo is the only one sick and that C makes the science fair. Take care of yourself!