Thursday, January 21, 2010

And the Winner Is........

Technically this post could also be titled "Ugh, No Part III"

It was a nervous morning around here today. Chiggie got up extra early and dressed even nicer than usual. We had already practiced one last time last night, so this morning the focus was on fun. She really wanted to eat breakfast at school, they were having pizza, and she never has so I let her just as something special to do.

I was so excited when it was time to pick her up. I had no idea how she'd done, but I knew she would just be relieved that she made it through the day. We walked in to the fair and waited for her. We didn't have to wait long and here she came with a great big smile on her face. She led us right to her project and showed us her 1st place ribbon. We were all so excited! She gets to go on and compete in the district fair next month. Go Chiggie!

My little sister Camie also gets a chance to compete at the district fair. She took 2nd in the 4-5th grade division with a physics project. I think it's safe to say we're dealing with a couple of geniuses here. Not that I'm biased or anything :)

The bad news? I was absolutely horrified, when after 24 hrs of no signs of sickness, Boo managed to projectile vomit AT THE SCIENCE FAIR. Yes we are officially the family no one will forget. That's good right?


The Kuglers said...

I'm sorry I seriously have to just LAUGH.... That's awesome for Laquin tho and I'm sorry your house is still sick.

me said...

OH NO!! I'm sorry I missed the last few days of posts. I forget that you've gone private and my igoogle reader doesn't update, so it looks like you aren't bloggin! I really, really, really hope this illness passes thru and leaves soon!!

Christine said...

Go Chiggie!

I'm sorry to hear of the awful sickness going around. I really hope everyone's doing better very soon!

Anonymous said...

Yeah me and Chiggie!