Monday, January 18, 2010


I was shocked to look this morning to see that I haven't updated the blog in a week. How completely unlike me. I guess I've just been doing other things. Nothing too major is going on, but here's a brief rundown of what we've been up to:

Chiggie is doing the science fair at her school. This is exciting, but it has been a lot of work. The expectations are high and the requirements are pretty strict. Her project is in the health category. She chose to do an experiment on how different drinks affect our teeth. To represent teeth she used rinsed out egg shells because they are made of calcium and a close tooth substitute. Like I said, it was very time consuming and a lot of work, but she's proud of the end result and does her presentation this week. Wish her luck!

Boo is doing fantastic upstairs. It was a little rough at first. She would stay up there until the other girls fell asleep and then come down whining and saying she wanted to stay with us. I'm glad we were patient and followed her timing because as of this weekend that stopped and she is up there all night long. It was amazing to go and tuck all 3 of them in fast asleep in the same room. I'm glad we have some time before the baby comes to really cement this new routine.

Tea is really starting to try to read and can write very well. She is constantly copying things onto paper. She recognizes all of her numbers up to 20+. She is definitely making the transition into an older child. She enjoys going to youth group and being in Sunday School. Her maturity has increased and I know she'll do great in school next year. She goes to Kindergarten round-up next month and she's very excited for that.

Midge is just sweet. She has a patience about her that is beyond her years. She loves to play dolls and spends a lot of time playing with Boo. She is very excited for the new baby to come. I may have some trouble explaining to her that he's not a toy. I had to cut her bangs today and I was shocked at how long her hair has grown. Combed straight it is down the middle of her back, but it curls up. She's a lucky girl.

The King has worked everyday for the last 20+days. Not having him home on the weekends is awful. I'm so busy trying to keep the girls from being upset about it that I don't really get the chance to be disappointed myself. He's tired, but he's motivated. This particular job is closing out soon and not knowing where he's going next is stressful. For now we're just thankful to be eating dinner together every night. I try not to think about it, but sometimes my mind wanders. I can't really imagine caring for 4 kids and a newborn on my own. I know it will work out no matter what though.

I am trying to keep the pregnancy updated over on my other blog. Nothing new though. I hope everyone else is having a good start to the year!


me said...

I was just wondering where you'd wandered off to. :) Glad all is well and that he gets another local job next so dinners together can continue! :) :)
Good luck to C on her science project!!!