Monday, January 04, 2010


Today was a strange day. I don't usually transition well, so having the vacation over and moving right back into the "normal" was a little difficult. Chiggie did amazingly well and was up and ready for school with 20 minutes to spare and a smile. I am incredibly proud of her and how far she has come. I had originally planned to do my housework today, but had a crummy night last night. The dog was up 5 times in the night with no obvious reason. Once to potty. Again for a sip of water. Then I think he was just having fun watching me roll out of bed. On top of that my stomach was upset. The combination made for very little sleep on my part.

The little girls decided to have mercy on me. Usually they are go, go, go, all morning long. This morning after they'd been bathed and were dressed I gave them a snack and we got out some blankets. I put in the movie Bolt, which is a favorite, and they watched the whole thing without budging. All 3 of them. Literally a whole 1 1/2 of silence. It was amazing and just what I needed. I rewarded them by agreeing to walk to pick Chiggie up from school. They ran the whole way stopping only at the intersections. We left a little early so they got to play on the playgroud until the bell rang.

So the day didn't really go as planned, but it didn't go poorly by any means. I caught up on some rest and the girls had fun. They got to play outside, which this time of year is never a guarantee. Now they're playing Wii fit plus while I catch up on my blogs and stuff. Not too bad.


me said...

I love days like that...when you need the rest and get it! yay!

Anonymous said...

May the "King and Queen" get what they so richly deserve! Mmmmmmm Karma - gotta love it!

TK said...

you said it anonymous! they deserve every wonderful blessing they get!

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more.