Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Days like today are usually the ones that I choose not to blog about. Who wants to remember the long, painful days, when complaining and whining were chosen time and time again over compliance and obedience? Not me that's for sure. Really it started last night when Midge woke in the night to use the bathroom and get a drink and woke practically the entire house, if not neighborhood, with her whiny antics. I tried to reason with her, but there really is no reasoning with a half sleeping, cranky, 3 year old. Once she was back in her bed sleeping I figured we were through.

I was surprised when she woke this morning with an equally sour mood. Lucky for me, Boo is in the copy cat phase and chose to emulate her every move. This resulted in all things cranky x2. There are no fevers, sudden weather changes, or any other random excuse. They're just plain cranky today and frankly now so am I. Tonight I have a Bible study to go to and we'll see if the King can't get them sorted out.


me said...

*HUGS* Here's hoping they were in better moods today! I don't like those days either, tho it is nice to hear others experience them too and survive. ;)