Sunday, September 13, 2009

So Soon???

I suspected yesterday at soccer that Boo wasn't feeling very well. I hoped she was getting the same cold/virus that's going around and made sure to offer her plenty of fluids. By the afternoon she was actually acting like she was feeling better. She even ate a great dinner. Why did we have pancakes and sausage. Why, why, why? The aftermath was ugly and the couch took the brunt of it. For the remainder of the evening/night she couldn't even keep water down. I decided to sleep on the couch with her to protect the bedding in the house.

Around 2am I heard crying from upstairs. Tea had tried to make it down to the bathroom, but unfortunately didn't make it. The dinner looked equally gross all over the stairs. I couldn't decide whether to clean it up or just spend the remainder of our time in the house, probably forever, on the main level. I cleaned it up with the King's help.

The King took the well girls to church while I stayed home and washed approximately 1,000,000 loads of sick laundry. I tried some toast with Boo and it ended up in my hair. Too soon I suppose. They slept a good deal of the day. I have gone through and disinfected every surface in the home. I've washed the linens, which I'm sure won't be the last time this week. 2 down 4 to go. Waaahhhhh!!


me said...

Ewwwwwwwwwwww! *healthy vibes* Here's hoping it stops with those two!!