Thursday, September 17, 2009


Today was a busy day. Who am I kidding, it's been a busy week. Our evenings have been insane. A mad rush to get everybody fed and in bed on time all week long. Add to the mix a couple of sick kids at the beginning of the week and I'll admit it's been a little stressful. Eating dinner together is very important to me. The girls are young and I know the importance of habits. If we value this time they will value this time.

This evening I was supposed to go to a meeting at Chiggie's school. I'd planned on it all week. It was just one of those, let's get people involved type of meetings, but I was going to go. I started dinner early so that I could leave as soon as the King got home and eat later by myself when I got home. As the evening wore on I had a change of heart. You really cannot do EVERYTHING. I chose to stay home. to eat with my husband and girls. To enjoy the moment. No rushing and pleading with kids to hurry. Just talking. I made the right choice.