Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Busy Morning

I can't believe it's only 10:45. We had quite a busy morning around here. I got Chiggie to school around 8 and then rushed home to get the rest of us ready. By some miracle, we were all able to shower/bathe and be out the door again by 8:50. Last night I was invited to try out a local MOPS group and I thought I'd stay open minded and give it a try. I wasn't sure exactly where the host church was so I was a little nervous having 10 minutes to find it. Again, by some stroke of luck we were in the parking lot by 8:55. The only ones in the parking lot. Uh oh. I was positive it was the right location too. So we waited. Soon the ladies I know from our church showed up and we realized it was the wrong Tuesday. Oh well it was good practice for next Tuesday.

We ended up making the best of the morning and hitting McDonald's with the ladies I knew and their little ones as well. The girls loved playing in the play place and at least it got them out. Now I have to get caught up on some housework and get stuff ready for soccer practice tonight. I already have dinner in the crock pot so I can scratch that off my to-do list. We'll just have to see what surprises the rest of the day holds.