Sunday, September 20, 2009

Long Day

Today was just one of those days. Nothing awful happened per se, just long and tedious I suppose. It started off all wrong to begin with. I woke up at 4am to one of the girls' toy dogs barking the b-i-n-g-o song over and over. At first I thought I was dreaming, but the more I heard the more I believed. I have no idea how this particular toy ended up in MY room, and I have no idea what activated it. I brought it out into the family room and shoved it in the bench seat. I never really fell back asleep.

See, the fake dog woke the real dog. So, I let him out. While I waited for him, by the way, I could still hear the toy dog barking in the bench seat. This toy has no off button and you need one of those tiny screw drivers to remove the battery, very creepy. Eventually the real dog came back in and I went back to bed for a bit and just rested. I was kind of irritable the rest of the day with no real justifiable reason. I took a 2 hour nap with the baby in the afternoon and woke up with a raging headache. This was amplified by the girls practicing their beauty school skills on my hair. Note to self: cut hair. Cut hair short.

Now I'm ready for bed and it's not even 9pm. It kind of feels like a waste of a Sunday. In other news, I read this article today and didn't know whether to laugh or what. I mean if you are labeled an "insane killer" do you not lose field trip priveledges? Seriously I cannot even begin to imagine the dispatch on that. "Officers be on the look out for so and so, an insane killer, from the mental institution. Last seen in line at the tilt 'o' whirl eating cotton candy. Staff lost sight of him somewhere in between the pony ride and cow milking." Common sense here people. Insane killers probably ought to stay behind on trips like these.


Tracy said...

yes i read that, and this wasn't even the first time! he went on a field trip before and tried to take off. then he beat up the cop that arrested him the first time. insane leading the insane perhaps???