Thursday, June 18, 2009


The weeks are flying by at a pace that is obviously out of my control. A week from tomorrow we leave for camp. Chiggie reminds me every day just how much time we have left to shop and pack. At this point I think we're both a little nervous. Once we get there and get a feel for the routine I'm sure we'll all do great.

Today was warm again so the girls jumped on the trampoline with water balloons. It's the little things that make them SO happy. I probably filled up 50 balloons and they lasted around 30 minutes. They tried to keep a few "forever" but we all know how keeping water balloons forever turns out.

I'm not quite sure yet what's on tap for tomorrow. We have to go to the library. We usually go Wednesdays but the weather was too nice to skip the pool. I'll also go grocery shopping for sure. Maybe we'll bbq. That's sounding really good right now.


me said...

We did the library, the pool, the grocery store AND bbq today. Whew! Try it, it makes a for a great day! ;)

Christine said...

I'm with Elizabeth, I think you should do all those things :)