Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Last night was one of those awful nights. We haven't had one in so long I almost forgot what they're like altogether. By the time my head finally hit the pillow for good it was almost 4am. Then despite the fact that the kids slept until 9, I was forced out of bed before 8 by the phone ringing NON STOP. Ugh. With this weekend being camp and next our 4th of July trip, I really didn't have room in my schedule for a nap.

I stayed focused and got a bunch of laundry done and the house cleaned up. We made it through lunch, even though by then I was dragging for sure. I was surprised and thrilled when the King called at 2:30 and said he was on his way home. He usually gets home just before 6 . As soon as he got home the girls focused all of there energy on him. I was able to lay on the bed for a little while and just rest. I didn't sleep but the rest felt great. We made dinner together (spaghetti) and ate earlier than usual. Afterwards I took Chiggie shopping and we got the final things needed for this weekend.

These are the days I used to take for granted. Before the King worked out of town his help was a normal thing. Now that I know what it's like to be on your own day after day I appreciate it that much more. Every once in a while it's great to be rescued.