Saturday, June 20, 2009

Change in Plans

We had a great Friday night last night. I went grocery shopping early in the evening to stock the house up for the weekend with all of the things necessary for a successful weekend. You know, soda, kool-aid, bbq food, and cake mix. We ate dinner and then spent the entire evening and well into the morning (the girls were asleep by this point) playing Wii. The King has almost conquered his Cabela's game and we're all anxious spectators. The plans for Saturday included bike riding sans training wheels for Tea, and a trip to the pool so that Chiggie could show off some of her diving board skills to the King.

I was surprised to wake up this morning and see that it was past 9am. Weird. It didn't look that late. It looked...dark. I took a peek out the back window and the deck was soaked. It had been raining and looked like it could start back up any minute. Coupled with the rain was a temperature more reminiscent of fall not summer. I was bummed out. Our plans seemed ruined. The King made pancakes as I straightened the house. We ate breakfast and then started back up on the Wii. When that got old we read some books and then made some stencil pictures with the older girls. We ate lunch together and then watched a movie. All the while I still felt cheated. Stupid weather.

This evening I had an epiphany of sorts. It wasn't so awful after all. In fact this is the first day in as long as I can remember that we just spent the day together. All of us. Just hanging out. Playing games, coloring, just being. Sure it's the time of year when we usually run from the indoors. Cabin fever finally relieved by sunny skies and warm temperatures. Still, time with my family is time and I'll take it any way that I can get it.


Christine said...

That sounds like my kind of day. I love a good rainy day. Once in a while :) We've had a bit too much rain lately. But I'm glad you guys were able to enjoy it!