Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Today was one of those days that just flowed perfectly. Waking up this morning to the house being so orderly was very freeing. It made our morning much easier. After lunch we met my mom and little sisters at the river and went for a nice walk. In the end we walked 4 miles. Of course the baby was in the wagon but everyone else walked. Afterwards, because the girls were such good sports about the whole thing, my mom bought everyone an ice cream cone.

This evening I took the Chiggie shopping with her birthday money. She was very selective and picked out some cool new toys. It was fun just the two of us. It was kind of hard for the other girls when we got home, but I got some donuts and that eased their suffering a bit. Soon enough it will be their turn. Tea's birthday is just around the corner....


me said...

Tis birthday season in our house as well. Wednesday the 24th and then Wednesday the 1st. Yikes, I gotta start shopping! :)