Sunday, March 15, 2009


The hardest thing about having girls is I do believe they take a bit longer to get ready for the day. Especially if we're going somewhere. Hence my Sunday problem. Our church service is at 9:30 on the other side of town. Now it's a small town but still it's at least a 10-15 minute drive depending on the traffic. This means all six of us have to be up, fed, and out the door by about 9 am. For a family chock full of morning people this may sound like a piece of cake. For us, not so much. It's a miracle we ever make it there dressed. Somehow we do it though and the girls always look great.

Usually I'm so relieved me made it and on time to boot that I don't really even think about it. Today for some reason was different. Sure we made it on time, and the girls looked great. It was me I was worried about. I'd barely even had time to dry my hair and my pants were slightly damp from the dryer. It made it very apparent to me that I've got to find a way to get myself "ready" as well. I'm going to make it my mission this week to have a better plan for Sunday.


me said...

So? How was this Sunday? Did you find a better plan? All make it out intact and on time? I did pretty well today, shockingly as I had a ton of stuff to take with me for deliveries and coffee hour! :)