Saturday, December 08, 2007

Winter Wonderland

We got snow last night, all day today, and it shows no signs of stopping. The girls love, love, love it. Very festive. The only negative is that the King has to drive back in forth in it which makes his long days even longer.

The girls and I had a really nice day today. They stayed in their pajamas and had a Christmas movie marathon. They played with Barbies and I made cookies. Then tonight we all went to a birthday party at the bowling alley. They're all asleep now and I'm just relaxing. Can't ask for much more than that.


Christine said...

What a wonderful day! These are the onws you remember in the future. Way to create some awesome memories!

me said...

Bummer about the drive for da man but WOOOHOOO snow. I love snow. :) And a barbie movie marathon sounds like a rootin tootin good time, esp when followed by a bowling outing! Good weekend!