Thursday, December 06, 2007

Lucky Me

My kids have become more picky over time. Things that they used to eat they now turn their noses up at. Last night they didn't touch their dinner. None of it. Not even a bite. Since it was an all out strike I decided to cave, fed them all pb&j and enjoyed having the dinner to myself. The King, who is actually kind of picky as well, came home and opted for a sandwich too. I shrugged it off and made a mental note that this particular meal was not a hit.

Shortly after dinner I made a quick run to the store to grab a few things we were out of. It was a perfect opportunity because the King was home and I really didn't want to drag everyone out in the cold. I paid and was on my way to the parking lot when my stomach started to really hurt. Thankfully I made it to my car before I lost my dinner. I hardly made it home and to the bathroom fast enough. I spent the rest of the night hovering near the bathroom or a bucket.

Eventually I realized that I had food poisoning. Luckily the kids and the King trusted their "gut" feeling and stayed away from it. The culprit, pinto beans, ugh never again, never again!


me said...

*HUGS* I got nothing else to say except *HUGS* and I'm glad no one else ate it! ;)

Christine said...

I'm SO sorry! My kids are picky at times too, and it's no fun, but I'm glad it paid off at your house this one time. Get well soon!