Saturday, December 29, 2007

Back to Normal

Whatever that is. Today we got up and took down the tree, all the decorations and the outdoor lights. It looks so bare in here now. Like we just moved in and need to get some stuff. Very weird. The New Year is always kind of weird like that. All the build up to Christmas and then the fizzle afterwards. I have a lot of plans for 2008. I really am starting my diet and exercise plan on the 1st and I plan to return to our "active family" routine that got shoved aside during the holidays. This will include walks, trips to the pool, and family game nights. I'm looking forward to the new year, but it always makes me just a little nervous. A lot can happen in a year.


Danielle said...

It's amazing how much happens in one year! I like the New Year but I know what you mean about the nerves. It's kind of like the anticipation for the first day of school! Exciting but scary at the same time!