Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Tub Troubles

Lately Tea has really been wild. I don't know what it is exactly that's going on but she's about to drive me insane. Tonight during their bath her and Midge got enough water on the floor to easily constitue a lake. Unfortunately I didn't know this (the bathroom is right off the dining room and I was cleaning up after dinner) and when I stepped into the bathroom I slipped and fell. I now have a sore wrist and a huge knot/bruise on my shin. This is just one of her many "slip ups" today. She's a wild child that's for sure.


me said...

Well crap, I hope it's something that heals fast! That is one of my biggest pet peeves, water on the bathroom floor! Good luck surviving this 'phase' and here's to it passing before she drives you to drinkin! ;)