Tuesday, July 10, 2007

You Can't Always Get What You Want

I wanted to tell all about how much fun we had at the library today. How the girls got prizes for all their reading. About how afterwards we went and had ice cream, under a pavillion in beautiful, not too hot weather. How Chiggie's T-ball game went great. How we got her team pictures back and they're adorable.

But....... Instead I must report the great mustard disaster of '07. After dinner, somehow without either of us seeing her, Tea got into the fridge. She sneaked out the mustard and proceeded to the family room. Once there she squeezed her "paint" onto the carpet. *shudder* She then made tiny, mustard, handprints all accross the carpet. Bright Yellow handprints all accross the carpet I have diligently protected for the past 3 years. I have been obsessive about carpet ever since the purple popsicle disaster of '04, but that's a whole 'nother post.

Some carpet cleaner, Dawn dishwashing liquid, and several prayers later and I am in a better place. I have made peace with the light stains that now litter the carpet and the fact that they are probably the first of many to come.


me said...

Oh my....my my my. *HUGS* I can feel your pain.