Sunday, July 15, 2007


I think I set my standards a little too high for this weekend. I forgot that we would still have to eat, bathe, sleep and chase after 3 very busy little girls. I am pleased though, at what did get accomplished. The upstairs is done! The girls bathroom is re-organized, the baby bath tub cleaned and ready, and the drawers filled with clean baby towels and wash cloths. All the baby clothes are washed and hung and we have an outfit picked out for her hospital picture and homecoming.

We washed all the bassinet bedding and the baby carrier and sling are laundered and ready as well. We still need to bring in the swing and bouncy seat and wash them. The car seat is on its way, and the snugglies are ready to be strapped in. Tomorrow the focus will be on the downstairs and making a list for my hospital bag. I always manage to forget half of the things one would want at the hospital. Hopefully this time I will be a little more prepared.

I can really tell that I am approaching 38 weeks. I was so uncomfortable in church today I didn't know if I could make it through the service. Standing to sing was actually a relief. Sitting straight up is pure torture. Fortunately I am not swollen at all this week. Maybe all the water I have been drinking is paying off. I really hope I can stay focused and follow through with my plans for tomorrow. I better head to bed if there is any chance of that!


me said...

Hope you get it all organized and that you don't forget anything this time! Fourth times the charm!? LOL :)