Monday, July 16, 2007

It's My Pity Party.....

And I will cry if I want to. Last night was a living nightmare. It was hot even with the fan running and I had a lot of trouble getting comfortable. Every time I would start to drift off I would have to go to the bathroom and start the whole process all over again. I don't know exactly what time it was, late, but I finally fell asleep.

Around 2:30 I could hear a light whimpering at the foot of the bed. Due to the fact that I had just finished the upstairs around bedtime, the girls had a camp out in the family room. I sat up, realized it was Chiggie, and motioned for her to come around to the side of the bed. She was crying which is extremely rare. She said she had a really bad headache and needed me to come out to the family room.

I grunted my way out of the bed and waddled out to tuck her back in. When I got to the family room I was speechless. She had obviously gotten sick all over the family room. The floor, the couch, the tile. Nothing went untouched. I was frozen in horror and shock. I prayed for it to be a bad dream. Any other night I think I could have maintained sanity, but things were already going so awful. Where I got the strength I'm not sure, but I cleaned it all up. I then got out the carpet cleaning spray and made sure no trace was left.

By the time I was done Chiggie was all cleaned up and asleep on the other couch. I tucked her in, put a bucket by her side, and went back to bed. I tossed and turned the rest of the night and have been paying the price today. Stuff happens, I know, but the timing couldn't have been any worse. Thankfully she's fine today so it was just one of her vomiting incidents. Reason number 2,789 why I need a carpet shampooer. If you would like to know the other 2, 788 reasons just come hang out for a couple of days!


me said...

I cannot fathom that you didn't wake your husband up to do or help with that task. I'm glad she didn't get sick again and here's hoping it was a 'one off' and no one else gets sick either. Maybe you can ask for a carpet cleaner for your baby gift from your hubby? :) :)