Friday, July 06, 2007

36 Weeks

Really? 36 weeks already? This pregnancy has gone by so fast. Aside from the wretched, wretched, beginning it hasn't been too bad. But now, we have come to the inevitable end. Soon she will be coming out. That's the part I don't like at all. I want her out. I just don't want to push her out. I have never been a fan of labor and delivery. I always have all of these expectations of myself that I never seem to be able to meet. I envision an all natural labor where I am a warrior on a mission. This lasts about an hour into labor. At that point I envision drugs. Lots of colorful drugs that make me hallucinate and numb from the neck down. Maybe this time will be different. We'll know soon enough I suppose. How soon? Well I'll tell you how it has gone down before and your guess is as good as mine.

Chiggie: Due date 6-24-01 born 6-09-01 at 38 weeks
Tea: Due date 8-15-04 born 7-26-04 at 37 weeks
Midge: Due date 2-22-06 born 2-19-06 at 39 weeks

All labors began naturally, I have never been induced. I suggest if you want to remain on friendly terms you not guess that I will go over due! :-)


me said...

Ok here goes:
Newbie due 8-3-07 born 7-21-07 at 38 weeks
Now, tell us how big they were and let us guess that? LOL It's fun whenit's not your body! ;) Keep up the good work cookin that baby!

Anonymous said...

The NAME!!!! We want to know the name of our new granddaughter. I Think you will have her around Tea's Birthday. Hopefully not on her birthday though. We are praying for you everyday. You will do great in labor and delivery. You always do. We love you all very much. Talk to you soon.
Love Wendy.