Thursday, May 05, 2011

Trips and Ears

Poor Buster is just not getting much better. After 10 days of more antibiotic his ears are still full of fluid and he is still running a fever. Not good news. Thankfully he had his ENT appointment today and we got the go ahead for ear tubes. Hopefully this will drain the fluid and he'll be feeling better very soon. He may have the surgery as soon as next week, we're just waiting on the call. In the meantime, we are headed out of town this weekend for my sisters wedding. It will be nice to get away. So much has been going on. I read a post on another blog today about seasons of life and I couldn't believe how much it rang true for me. I feel so overwhelmed at times. Much like a cat chasing its tail never really accomplishing anything. I know that's not true and it was refreshing to see that others experience the same thing!


me said...

I hope you have a great trip and that B gets some relief soon! Poor boy, he's had a rough time with his ears. Blah! Keep us posted.