Sunday, May 01, 2011

Happy May Day!

Ours was filled with freezing temperatures and snow, go figure. Oh well, we desperately need the moisture and it will be back up in the seventies by mid week. I am so excited to see May arrive. My sister is getting married this upcoming weekend, so we have a trip planned. We'll stay through the weekend and leave Mother's Day morning.

Tea's Kindergarten trip to the zoo and graduation are also this month. I can't wait for summer vacation to begin, but that's a whole 'nother post. As soon as we get back from GJ I am going to do my spring cleaning. I'm dreading the actual work, but super excited for the results. I love organization and have been living very out of my element lately. This causes me stress that isn't really necessary. Anyway...welcome May!


me said...

Good luck with your organizing. We (kids & I) did a massive overhaul on the kids rooms today and now I'm planning my next "craft" room, which is really just my "crap" room. ;)