Monday, November 08, 2010


It is definitely Monday around here. "Falling back" has taken its toll on me. The kids eternal clocks haven't reset themselves yet and they were up at 6am after I didn't even go to bed until 1am. Buster fussed in the night and Chiggie woke up complaining of a sore throat. This morning I knew it was the real deal when it was accompanied by upset stomach and fever. Boo, strep throat again. I still haven't fully recovered from our last infestation. I ran her to the Doc for a rapid test and my fears were confirmed. The good news is I really think we caught it quick. I'm praying it ends here. Please let it end here.....


me said...

I seem to be the only one in my house not adjusting to this time change well. AH, well, I guess I prefer it's me than the kids. Must go to bed early tonite....Good luck adjusting!