Thursday, November 11, 2010


A little while back I started noticing that I lacked motivation. I lacked goals. My life had taken on a bit of a "groundhog day" flow to it and everything I did seemed trivial and redundant. I didn't realize it at the time but I set some goals for myself, that while at the time seemed daunting, but turned out to be very achievable. I wanted to:

  • Lose weight: This has been an ongoing battle. With 5 pregnancies in just 8 years it's been a vicious cycle of weight gain and loss. I wanted to end the cycle and drop some weight for good. I started a diet and as of now have lost 30lbs. I have more to lose but this has been enough motivation to keep going.

  • Wean the baby to a bottle: There were many reasons for this. His weight was in the 3rd percentile. He bit like a rabid dog. Plus there just aren't that many hours in the day. Taking care of the 4 older kids by myself is time consuming and hey, he can hold his own bottle. On October 30th we, or I, made the switch. He still nurses at night, which is fine. He doesn't bite then so we're good. I'm pretty sure he's gained weight, but he's weighs in next week so we'll see.

  • Move the now weaned baby to his own room: This one is fairly obvious. He's almost 8 months old. He already sleeps great in his own bed, so really I just need to move him. I haven't done it yet mostly out of convenience. The layout of our house makes it much easier to just have him in my room. I need to finish off my short list and move him though and I'm thinking this weekend is a great time to do it.

Now that I've made some progress I want to set some new goals.

  • start exercising on a regular basis
  • organize my room (lots of clutter)
  • paint the kitchen cabinets (I've wanted to do that for 6+years)

Hopefully I will stay motivated and be even more productive. It feels good to accomplish goals!