Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Dropping In...

Alright, I promise I'll be back today with a real post. Complete with pictures from our trip and Thanksgiving, but until then I have a quick question. I have my own ideas on this one, but I'd like to hear some opinions from whatever readers I have left out there. So here goes...

What do you think the appropriate age/grade to begin sleepovers is? I'm talking about non-family member sleep overs of course. I know it depends on the individual child etc. I'm just looking for an "average." Please help me out on this one!


me said...

I have wondered about this myself. I'm thinking nothing before 2nd grade? We're in 1st and we've never had a sleepover or an invite to one and I'm ok with that. I'm extremely overprotective so it's going to be a BIG step for me, trust-wise.

Anonymous said...

Like with everything else it depends on the kid. Kids will let you know when they are ready. My oldest had the confidence of royalty! She could literally walk into a room full of adults (at three) with an attitude of "okay, I'm here the party can start now!") My second born on the other hand was MUCH more cautious (and even struggled with bed wetting -- which was treated successfully with some type of nasal spray actually--but this problem added to the risk factor of sleep-overs). ...Take your cues from your children. They will let you know when they are ready. Our job is to support their growth...and allow them to expand their experiences and social circles...while minimizing the risks. You will do fine...you always do :) G'mama

Danielle said...

No clue. Not even an educated guess from the kidless 27 year old! ;)

Renée said...

I think it depends on your child and the other child involved. I think the only thing really to worry about it whether your child will be safe at someone elses house and any other problem (homesickness etc.) can be dealt with if/when it arises. I think my first sleepover was in 1st or 2nd but I never really had any problems being away from home and I think I was more aware of the safety issues (do they have smoke detectors? is there secondhand smoke? etc.) than someone else my age would have been.