Tuesday, June 07, 2011


This week has been a blur so far. A blur of karate camp, play rehearsal, summer physicals, late nights, and early mornings. Thankfully everyone is staying healthy and we're enjoying the busyness of it all. Midge will be attending karate camp every morning all week and she is having a blast. The older girls are enjoying their play and I can't believe performances start the first week in August!

Today was Chiggie's 10 year well child check and Buster's 15 month. Both checked out healthy, Buster still has his ear issues, but it was a relief. I love crossing things like that off of my to do list. After camp tomorrow we're hitting the pool and then the rest of the week will be spent planning Chiggie's 10th birthday party. She is having a slumber party. 7 girls. Plus my own. The King will be working out of town. I am insane!


me said...

Whooosh, isn't it so true the good stuff flies by while the tough times drag out. Ah, guess it takes one to appreciate the other. Hope there's a slower pace this week for you!