Thursday, December 09, 2010

When All Else Fails....

Just keep walking forward. That's become my motto. This has been a strange season. A strange year really. But we just keep walking forward. Lately my kids have taken more pictures than I have. It's been interesting to say the least. I'm not really sure what was going on here, but apparently Boo wasn't happy about it. Revenge? It seems now the shoe is on the other foot and this sister is none too happy as well.

And here is living proof that my kids do wash their hands. In fact they love anything having to do with water lately. Just ask them about the mini swamp they created upstairs while I was downstairs assuming they were sleeping. They're creative, I'll give them that. Creative and brave.

We've been enjoying the usual holiday festivities. The Advent calendars are a hit again this year. They talk about them all day long. We even put a rice puff for every day in Buster's and he's caught on already. We enjoyed the parade and I even made a new banana bread recipe (thanks Tracy.) It appears as though someone has pressed fast forward on my life and I can't find the pause button. I would settle for even the play button right now. We're running to catch up that's for sure.


me said...

Swamp story?? Do Share!
Good luck surviving the holidays! *hugs*