Tuesday, October 21, 2008

To Sleep or not to Sleep

Last night was one of those nights. You know the kind where you think it will never end. Then it does rather abruptly and you're devastated. It started with Boo. Coughing and coughing and hacking and hacking. Not really sick so to speak just congested enough in the chest to be miserable when laying flat. Finally I had no choice but to hold her in a semi-upright position while she slept soundly on my shoulder. All the while my body was begging me to lay down.

After a great deal of time in this position I attempted to roll her onto my bed and it was a successful drop. She snuggled in, I covered her, and slid in thankful to be on my way to sleep at last. Just as I was about to drift off the kitty came into the room and jumped on the bed purring like a lawn mower. Seriously I have never heard an animal weighing less than a pound make this much noise. The neighbors probably heard her. Of course this woke the baby who sputtered and coughed and reached for me. Thus beginning the cycle all over again.

By the time I did the second roll and drop I was delirious. It was again successful and this time I remembered to shut the kitty out. I snuggled in and had nearly fainted when I heard Midge crying in her room. I ignored her for about half a second and then mustered up the strength to go check her. Her left big toe was hanging out of the covers and apparently covering it was a job she saw fit for only me. I covered it stroked her hair and she smiled sleepily. She's a little manipulator that Midge...

Back in my own bed I checked the clock. By now it was 4 am. Good 3 more hours left until the new day would be upon me. Who would've guessed that in that 3 hours we would have: a bad dream, much more coughing and sputtering, purring that sounded like a jet taking off, and one more "my big toe is cold" incident. Now I can't say that this is a typical night. It's not. Usually the kids are down at 8 and I follow around 11 and we see each other again in the morning. Which is hopefully how tonight will go. I can hope, cause darnit I'm tired....

Cross posted at Larger Families


me said...

Ouch, that nite hurt me! *HUGS* Here's to a good nite of sleep, m'dear!

Christine said...

Oh goodness. Those nights are just neverending, aren't they? I hope the day goes well today and you all get a better night tonight! *HUGS*