Mondays are usually very busy school days around here. Today was no different. In fact we were able to get even more done when the King took Boo and Buster over to my Mom's house to help cut up some wood. We were able to get everything except for history and math facts done before they even got back. Midge is really coming along in math. She can work almost entirely independently on her worksheets and is moving away from the number line.
Chiggie is finishing up an essay on her room. Her writing has evolved so much this year. It's fun to go back and read pieces from the beginning of the year and compare them to now.The mechanics of it all aren't always her favorite but she does like to write.
Another thing I noticed today is how well Midge is writing her name. I should go back and find something from a few months ago to show the difference!
Tea took a second to show off her glow stick earrings in between her math and language arts. She is such a goofball!
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