Saturday, February 26, 2011

Trading Spaces

The Dauk family edition. Today I made the brave decision to shake things up a bit. It has become overwhelming for me to have 3 kids in 1 room . Both Chiggie and Buster have their own rooms, but the other 3 were sharing. It wasn't so much them that was overwhelming, but their stuff. 3 people's worth of stuff in 1 room is just too much. Especially since we do not have a play room.

Now that Tea is in school I think it's fair to move her up. I wasn't sure how Chiggie would react, but it turns out she was excited to get a roommate. Unfortunately Midge was not too excited to lose one. She doesn't really like change and I think it made her sad to go to bed tonight without Tea. It will be interesting to see how Boo does, being she has crawled into Tea's bed every single night for almost 3 months now. I'm sure they'll all do great once we're through the adjustment period. I cleaned the room really good and even re-decorated their bathroom. Tomorrow I will finish Midge and Boo's room and then the whole upstairs will be clean and organized. Such a good feeling!


me said...

How is M doing? Did she adjust pretty quickly? And C & T? Are they loving the new arrangement?