Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Still Freezing

This winter has been frigid. There really is no other way to describe it. Of course, the door to the crawlspace under the house got left open again last week and our pipes all froze. Luckily they thawed out with no breaks, but still several days without water is not an experience I want to repeat any time soon.

Today is yet another snow day. Our third one so far this year. We've also had several snow delays. At this point I'm sure we're looking at a few extra days at the end of the year. Today is especially nasty with blowing snow, freezing temperatures, and icy roads. I plan to just stay home and stay warm. I just need to figure out how to get a good fire going without a fire starter, because of course we're out of those.

I had every intention of going to get my new tags on my car today. They expired in December, January was my grace period and of course I got pulled over and ticketed yesterday. In a school zone no less. Whatever happened to a warning? At least the big kids were still in school and didn't have to suffer through it. Ahh well, I'm off to start a fire!


me said...

We are a whopping -19* right now. Balmy, I say. ;)
Sorry about the pipes, but glad to read it resolved itself though! Dare I ask how much the ticket was? Seems a bit harsh but maybe that's his pet peeve? Hope you got that fire going!