Sunday, February 25, 2007

Lazy Sunday

We spent most of the day just lounging around. It was nice not to have anything to do but just hang out. Tonight I took Chiggie to a birthday party at the bowling alley and she had a great time. It was fun to watch her bowl.

This is going to be a pretty busy week. I have an appointment almost every day and unfortunately they are all before 10 am. Tomorrow I have a routine OB appointment and then Wednesday is the big ultrasound. I am so excited to find out what this baby is. I have gone back and forth and have finally decided that I really have no idea.

Tea has been feeling under the weather for the last few days and today she spiked a fever of 104.5. Normally I would panic at a fever this high, but she has done this before. I gave her motrin and a tepid bath and within an hour she had dropped a degree. I hope it's just a virus and she wakes up her normal self tomorrow.

Sorry to be so boring but hey this is all I got. Stay tuned for more news tomorrow after my appointment.