Thursday, February 15, 2007

100 Things About Me

In honor of my 100th post I decided to follow along with many of the other blogs that I read and let you all in on 100 things about me. Here goes:

  1. I am happily married
  2. I got married at 18
  3. My husband was 21
  4. We were married for two years before our first child was born
  5. Our first child was a girl
  6. We had another child 3 years later
  7. Another girl
  8. We had another child 18 months later
  9. A girl
  10. I am pregnant again
  11. My youngest is now 11 months old
  12. We don't know what we are having yet
  13. Probably a girl
  14. I would be completely okay with that
  15. So would my husband
  16. I could have 15 kids
  17. My husband can't fathom 5
  18. I love my family
  19. I am a stay at home mom
  20. I worked for a while but found it overwhelming and unfulfilling
  21. I think some women really can make it work
  22. I couldn't
  23. I am a very picky eater
  24. I hated to spend the night at other kids houses when I was a kid for fear of what they might have for dinner.
  25. I was once forced to take a thank you bite at a friends house
  26. It was tuna casserole
  27. I don't like tuna
  28. I don't make my kids take thank you bites
  29. I do insist that they have table manners
  30. My favorite food is probably pizza
  31. Just with pepperoni though
  32. I pretend to like things so my kids won't be picky
  33. I like to exercise
  34. I haven't done that much in a few years
  35. I have been either pregnant or breastfeeding for 3 years
  36. I love breastfeeding
  37. I breastfed all of my kids their first year
  38. They have all slept in our bed for some period of time
  39. I graduated high school in 1999
  40. I finished two years of college
  41. I had my first daughter the summer after my second year
  42. I didn't go back because I couldn't fathom leaving her
  43. We once moved 2000 miles away from our hometown just for a change
  44. We moved the 2000 miles back
  45. The experience made our family stronger
  46. I used to want to be a lawyer
  47. Now I don't think that's what I was meant to do
  48. I still like Law and Order though
  49. I had a very happy childhood
  50. I never questioned my parents love for me
  51. I have always loved sports
  52. I got cut from softball my sophmore year in high school
  53. I still think I got robbed
  54. I never played again
  55. Not even recreationally
  56. I don't drink alcohol
  57. Or use drugs
  58. I love to read
  59. I read to the girls all the time
  60. My favorite season is summer
  61. I love flip flops
  62. My kids all have flip flops
  63. Two of my kids were born in the summertime
  64. I will be having another this summer
  65. I hate mosquitoes
  66. I once left a window open letting in a swarm of mosquitoes and resulting in over 45 mosquitoe bites
  67. I was the only victim
  68. I stayed up and protected my baby like the warrior I am
  69. I am a worrier not a warrior
  70. I once rushed my middle daughter to the E.R. only to find out she had a cold
  71. My husband had talked me out of calling an ambulance
  72. Her breathing sounded funny to me
  73. I'd always rather be safe than sorry
  74. I like snow at Christmas but I draw the line there
  75. I love the fall
  76. I love to rollerblade
  77. I have broken 4 bones and had stitches 4 times
  78. All of this happened before I turned 12
  79. Thankfully my parents had good health insurance
  80. My mom is my best friend
  81. We were pregnant at the same time
  82. We had the same doctor
  83. I beat her to the delivery room
  84. I saw her give birth to my sister
  85. I still call my Dad just to talk
  86. I don't really like t.v.
  87. I hate reality t.v.
  88. I like to watch the news
  89. I don't have a lot of rules with the kids as far as television and candy
  90. They don't really abuse either
  91. I hate drama
  92. I am kind of reclusive
  93. I don't like to share my food
  94. I don't eat much candy since one of my back teeth broke off
  95. I don't have dental insurance
  96. I am terrified of losing my teeth
  97. I had braces when I was a kid
  98. I broke three retainers
  99. My parents had a lot of patience
  100. I celebrate life and thank God for all that he has given me.