Monday, February 12, 2007


With all of the girls I had some type of dream when I was pregnant indicating that I was having a girl. With Chiggie it was a pink blanket among other things. With Tea I actually dreamed of the birth and finding out she was a girl. With Midge I also dreamed of the birth and sure enough another girl.

A few weeks ago I had a pretty strange dream. I was cooking in the kitchen on the stovetop when I opened up the drawer beneath the stove to get a pan. Right there in the drawer was our new baby and it was a girl. I ran and got the King and we even named her. A really cool name that I plan on using if it's a girl by the way. I told the King about this dream and he thought the baby being in the drawer under the oven was symbolic for "bun in the oven" and that peeking in the drawer was kind of like an ultrasound. We would be finding out the sex before the bun was ready to come out.

Anyway skip to this weekend when I had another dream. In this dream I went to a doctors appointment towards the end of my pregnancy. For some reason I had to be taken across the street to the hospital for an emergency c-section. They knocked me out completely and when I woke up I was alone in a recovery room. I got up and even though I was feeling pain I walked from the hospital to my house to tell the King what had happened. Oddly he was excited and we both walked back to the hospital to see the baby. On the way there he asked me if the baby was a boy or a girl. I had no idea. We picked up our pace. Once we got to the hospital we went straight to the nursery and there our baby was wrapped in a blue blanket and wearing a blue cap. It was a boy! My first boy dream ever!

Now what am I supposed to think?


Anonymous said...

Twins!!?? Love, Grandma Dixie