Friday, April 19, 2013

Back in TIme

We took a trip down memory lane, quite literally, today and took the kids to Boulder where I spent my freshman year of college.  It was strange being back in a town that I truly loved and haven't been to in so long.  Oddly, I felt old as we drove down the same streets I used to bike down daily.  As we passed the child care center I worked at I couldn't help but wonder if my old boss and dear friend at the time still worked there.  I remember wanting to call her when I was pregnant for Chiggie, but I kept putting it off.  I'll call her when I know what I am having....then no, I'll wait until I have had the baby...until pretty soon time passed and I never did make that call.  I think the older we get the more apparent it becomes that we really are getting older. 

We also got the kids a little "surprise" while we were there.  They are thrilled, and I promise to post pictures tomorrow, when my I am not so tired and my head isn't full of so many old memories and dreams....