Tuesday, January 08, 2013

The Early Bird

 It seems the time to go to W@lmart is 5 am.  I went this morning at that time, as I refused to go another day without the staples that make life so much simpler.  I was the only one in the store that wasn't stocking a shelf.  No line at the check out, no crowded aisles, no screaming kids.  The only downfall was my complete and utter exhaustion, which is why I don't think I will make a habit of such shopping trips.

Lucky for me, I have the best kids ever and after I got home and got everything put away I got to go back to bed for two whole hours!  They never even knew I was gone.

Once we were all up and ready for the day, we began day two of back to school.  It went just as smoothly as yesterday with the only downfall being a later start equals a later finish.  Tea helped me a bit today while entertaining Buster with his Toy Story book.  I think it is his favorite because the dog's name is Buster.  

Someone has to take care of the baby dolls while the others work, and Midge was more than up for the job!   Soon enough she rotated and Boo got a turn.  I am happy they don't have to leave their babies in daycare all day!