Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tides they are a Changin'

Blogging used to be easy. My kids were all so little when I first started. There was always something blog worthy going on. Whether it was Tea dropping a phone in the toilet, Chiggie starting a new activity, or one of the babies doing something just adorable, it was great writing fodder. It's not nearly as easy anymore. Sure, several of my kids are still very young but the issues are different. I have much less time. The little time that I do have is torn between so many different things and blogging rarely makes it to the top. I have no intentions of stopping, I love having all of these stories down. They are precious to me and I know that someday they will be precious to my kids.

Some of the most prominent things going on in our life right now just aren't ready to be blogged about. Things are changing. Changes that I never saw coming. Changes that while I tried to avoid, will make our lives better in the long run. When I had Chiggie one of the first things my Mom said to me was, " never say something you or your children will never do, before you know it you or they will be doing it." She was right.