Friday, October 02, 2009


Today turned out even better than I could've imagined. When I went to bed last night today seemed a little overwhelming. All I knew was I had ton of laundry that needed done, the girls really needed to get their flu shots, and I have been feeling really tired lately. I was thrilled to wake up and find out that the King had taken the day off. It was so much easier at the doctors office with an extra set of hands to help out. I was also able to get a lot more done just having him home. We went grocery shopping as a family and the girls all picked out suckers for doing so good with the shots.

Tonight I get to just relax with Boo while the King takes all 3 big girls to the Homecoming football game. I'm really looking forward to just chilling out in the quiet. Boo is a piece of cake when she's alone and I'm sure we'll have fun. The older girls are thrilled to go watch the cheerleaders and visit the snack bar so I'm happy for them too. It feels like Saturday, so I really did end up with a bonus day this week!


me said...

Love Daddy days! :) I hope the girls had a good time! We wait til Nov or so to get flu shots here, but here's to them working this year and no one getting nasty sick!! *fingers crossed and prayers said*