Saturday, October 03, 2009

Make it Happen

I have a lot of things that need to be done. Gone are the lazy days of summer. These busy days have caught up with me and definitely caught up with the house. I thought a list might help me get motivated. See, even though I want these things done, it's the doing them part that's hard.

  • Sort through kids clothes. All summer clothes need put away while fall/winter clothes need put into the drawers.
  • The house needs a good deep cleaning. This means drawers, closets, desks, and all the other little details that get so often over looked.
  • The yard needs one last once over. The summer toys need put away for the season.
  • All of my pictures need put on discs. I've started this process, but I take a lot of pictures so it seems never ending.
  • I need to start having a quiet time to myself, EVERYDAY, to read my Bible. I'm embarrassed to admit I don't do this nearly often enough. This is a must.

I'm sure there is a ton more I could put on the list, but I don't want to overwhelm myself too much. Time is just really flying by and the clutter in this house is building up. I've never been one to have much clutter but it's amazing what 6 people can accumulate. I don't know if it's the pregnancy or what but this is driving me crazy. I think this week is a great time to tackle it.


me said...

YOU CAN DO IT!! *leg kick* I sooo need to deep clean, just bringing myself to do it is what's hard. Good luck and let us know how it goes! :)