Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I like to be busy. Not pulling your hair out busy. Just busy enough to keep my mind from wandering. Thinking too much about tomorrow, the next day, and the next. I'm very blessed to have stability in my life. No matter what happens the King and I have a strong marriage. The girls are healthy and happy. There are still hardships though. Layoffs at the King's current job are coming up. Already. Some new jobs have been posted, but nothing even remotely close to here. I guess the reality that he will end up gone for awhile again is looming in the back of my mind. We've had a great summer and he'll be around for the rest so that I am very thankful for. After that though, who knows. Until he's licensed we're at the mercy of the company he works for. Industrial work just pays better. A lot better. We've made it this far, we can do it.


me said...

Oh that's a hard reality to face...*prayers* something closer opens up soon! Enjoy him while you've got him! :)