Monday, July 20, 2009

5 Things

5 Things I Can't Live Without

  1. Clean floors (dirty floors are gross, gross, gross)
  2. Pop. The cracking open of a can, the burn, such sweet joy.
  3. Music. I always work to some kind of music.
  4. Pictures. I love to take them and look at them. I love to freeze time.
  5. Flip-flops. My feet were made for them.

5 Things I Could Live Without

  1. A mortgage
  2. Coffee. I just don't drink it.
  3. Wind. I don't mind a breeze, but I really don't like the wind.
  4. T.V. Really , I could.
  5. Gossip

I got this from Elizabeth's blog. What would be on your lists?


me said...

There is always music on in our house, I just need it to function!?I completely 100% agree about the soda thing! ;) Glad it's not just me that could skip tv and be just fine!